
Yeram - find Armenian near you

Armenian entities and experts in your city in one place

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Smart Design

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The App

What is Yeram?

There is an obvious parallel between the strength of Armenia and Armenian Diaspora. With a more united, richer and developing Armenian Diaspora, Armenia can become a stronger player on the international arena. The idea of Yeram is to provide a platform that will unite the Armenian Diaspora by showcasing local Armenian entities (restaurants, shops, cafes, etc) as well as local Armenian experts. We aim to encourage Armenians abroad to buy from, work with and initiate more projects with other Armenians from Diaspora. We strive to launch this initiative in every city in the world to benefit Armenians and Armenian businesses worldwide.

Available for


Download the app in AppStore, Google Play or Microsoft Store.



Ideology behind

Stronger diaspora, stronger country. The main idea of our initiative is to facilitate communication and trade within Armenian community. We want to create a tool that will provide an explicit view of where to find Armenian experts for your need, where is Armenian restaurant to have a dinner with your friends and a shop owned by Armenian to buy a gift for someone's birthday. We strongly believe that in order to make diaspora stronger we need to strengthen its economy. For this we need to increase the trade volumes between each other and fully support each other's initiatives. Each of us should tend to buy and help other Armenians.


Partnership is something we value the most

Contact us

Drop us an email and we will happily get back to you.